Individual Therapy

As your therapist our clinicians are trained to assist you in finding the direction you want to go in life, learning new skills to ground and thrive while learning about the values and beliefs you have so you can live a life that fulfills those beliefs and values.  Sometimes we do things that are not in alignment with those beliefs and values and that can cause a disruption in positive feelings toward ourselves.  Our goal is to peel back the layers and help you discover the person you want to be and learn to make a choice that is in alignment with those.  And at the same time helps you learn to give yourself grace when falling back to old patterns of behavior.

Child Therapy: up to 8 years

While starting to working with your child, we will start by engaging in an assessment with the parents initially. This will allow us to take inventory of the concerns you have with your child’s behavior. After that, we will not just work with your child. Many of the children’s behaviors need to be mitigated through the relationship they have with their parents. We will require that the parents engage in learning new parenting strategies prior to engaging in therapy with your child. We can help with concerns related to child irritability/anger; refusal to follow directions; hitting; disrespectful language and behavior; overly emotional; inappropriate (over the top) temper tantrums; inability to sit still, focus, and concentrate, among others

Adolescents: 9 to 17

Depending on how the adolescent comes into counseling, we will engage in an intake starting with a meeting with both of you and then each individual to obtain a picture of the concerns. After that, we will engage with your adolescent and at the same time at (different times) we will require the parents to engage in learning the Nurtured Heart Approach to help mitigate the concerns while utilizing the parental relationship. This especially helps in mitigating behavioral concerns related to anger outbursts, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, low self-esteem, trauma responses, lack of follow

Adult Counseling Services

There is a whole slew of symptoms individuals face when experiencing mental health challenges. Our clinicians are trained to provide education/tools to help decrease the symptoms while also helping to uncover the underlying concern.

You may not know that you have difficulty starting tasks because you have symptoms related to ADHD. You may not realize that you bite your nails because you are anxious or triggered by a traumatic event.  You may not realize that the reason you are so tired is that you are severely depressed.

We used evidenced-based practices that have been proven to reduce symptoms related to the following mental health challenges:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • PTSD
  • Body Dysmorphia/Insecurities
  • Poor Relationship with Food or Exercise
  • Low Self Esteem/Low Self Worth
  • Relationship Concerns
  • Grief/Loss
  • Transitions
  • Gender Dysphoria
  • Gender Identity Exploration
  • Sexual Identity Exploration
  • Identifying Belief Systems and Values
  • Anger/Stress Management
  • Job Dissatisfaction
  • Parenting Concerns
  • Dissociation/Derealization
  • Terminal Illness
  • Chronic Illness

Positive Inner Self

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